There are many body parts that work together to keep you balanced, including your eyes, inner ears, nerves in the feet and spine, and the brain. This means if you’re experiencing dizziness or balance problems, there are many possible areas that may be contributing. It’s important to treat chronic dizziness right away to prevent injury caused by a fall.
Below are some of the many possible causes of your dizziness.

Vertigo is the sensation that you’re spinning or the room is moving around you. This symptom usually worsens when you move your head. Vertigo is usually the result of a problem with the inner ear or brainstem. The most common kind of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
Within the inner ear is a complicated system of canals filled with fluid that tell your brain how your head is moving through space. If you have BPPV, tiny pieces of calcium become dislodged and move to a part of the inner ear where they don’t belong, sending your brain incorrect signals about your movements. Fortunately, BPPV can be corrected with a series of movements your doctor walks you through called the Epley maneuver.
Another cause of vertigo is inflammation of the nerves in the ears. There are two main ways this can present: vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis. Vestibular neuritis is the inflammation of just the vestibular nerve, while labyrinthitis involves both the vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve. Both of these conditions are caused by an infection or virus. If the infection can’t be treated with antibiotics, there are medications available to relieve discomfort until the virus passes.
Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s disease involves intense episodes of dizziness, as well as hearing loss, tinnitus and fullness in the ear. Many people with Meniere’s disease feel exhausted after an episode passes. The cause of these symptoms is suspected to be too much fluid in the inner ear, though doctors are not entirely sure of why this happens, and there is no cure. Usually, a low-sodium diet and anti-dizziness medications are prescribed to manage symptoms.
There are many, many possible causes of dizziness. To find out what’s causing yours, it’s essential to see a physician. Call ENT of Athens today for more information or to schedule an appointment.