A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious medical condition that can result from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body that temporarily impairs the function of the brain. They can cause many symptoms both immediately following the injury as well as weeks, months or even years after. Hearing and balance issues are two common problems that people who have experienced a brain injury can develop.
Hearing and Balance Symptoms

Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can occur in a fair number of patients who have had a TBI. One systematic review of 773 patients with a previous TBI found that 58% experienced some degree of hearing loss after their injury.
There are several explanations as to why you might experience hearing loss after a head injury. These include damage to the:
- Hair cells within the cochlea
- Auditory nerve
- Areas of the brain that process language and sound
Some additional causes may include:
- Torn eardrum that can cause blood to accumulate in the middle ear
- Broken ossicular bones found in the middle ear, which affects how sound travels
Depending on the cause of your hearing loss it may be temporary or permanent.
Studies have shown that up to 53% of individuals suffering from traumatic brain injuries experience a ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus.
While tinnitus is not dangerous, it can be distressing to experience. It can affect your ability to work, socialize and engage in other normal life activities.
Other Issues
- Increased sensitivity to loud noise
- Feeling of fullness in ears
- Trouble understanding speech
- Dizziness
- Vertigo
- Motion sickness
- General unsteadiness
Treatment Options
Living with any of these symptoms can severely diminish your quality of life. They can affect your ability to:
- Make a living
- Spend quality time with your family and friends
- Enjoy concerts, sporting events or other activities with big crowds and lots of noise
- Get out and enjoy Athens’ natural beauty in places like Ben Burton Park.
The good news is our experts can provide treatment options for many hearing and balance issues that occurred as a result of a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the issues, these can include:
- Hearing aids
- Medication
- Physical therapy
- Vestibular retraining programs
- Using hearing protection around loud sounds
- Stress reduction techniques
For more information or to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive evaluation, call the Georgia Hearing Center at ENT of Athens today.