Camping at Pine Lake RV Campground is great for your physical and mental health. In fact, one study found that spending time outdoors is linked to increased cognition and better mood. But if you have hearing loss, there are some extra steps you need to take in order to prepare for a camping trip. We provide tips to get the most of your trip below.
Have a Dry Spot for Your Hearing Aids

There’s nothing worse than wet gear, but wet hearing aids can be a downright disaster. The intricate technology housed within hearing aids is very delicate when it comes to moisture, and any amount can cause damage, even with a protective Nano-coating. A good quality zip-lock bag can be sufficient to keep your devices dry, if their case isn’t waterproof.
Pack Cleaning Tools
People get dirty when they go camping, along with whatever they’re wearing, including their hearing aids. To prevent blockages and damage, be sure to pack your cleaning kit and wipe them down at the end of each day.
Beware of Sunlight
Hearing aids can also be damaged by direct sunlight and excessive heat. Be sure you store your hearing aids somewhere they won’t be under sunlight, and hang out in the shade if it’s hot out.
Bring a Good Light Source
Communicating at night can be tricky if you normally rely on lip-reading. Be sure to bring bright flashlights and lanterns to light up your space.
Let Others Know Where You’ll Be
This is a great tip whether you have hearing loss or not. Be sure to let someone who’s not in your camping party know where you’re going, how long you’ll be there and when they can expect to hear from you in case there’s an emergency. Don’t rely on having cell service to communicate.
Rely on Other Senses
If you have a hearing loss that would keep you from hearing an approaching animal, be sure to look out for visual cues and smells to stay alert. Looking for footprints and feces can alert you to whether there’s an animal nearby. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call ENT of Athens today.