The Beat of Your Own Drum: Musical Hallucinations
Imagine going through the day feeling like you were at a concert at the Georgia Theatre, but no one else besides you could hear it. Even the most ardent of music lovers might be disturbed if that happened to them. While it may sound odd, this is actually a relatively common condition for people experiencing…
10 Common Signs of Hearing Loss
Untreated hearing loss is linked with a variety of health conditions, including anxiety, depression and even dementia. In order to prevent or delay the onset of these conditions, it’s important to seek treatment for hearing loss promptly. The first step is to get a hearing test. Below are the 10 most common signs of hearing…
How Can Hearing Affect Your Taste?
Most people believe that the sense of taste is confined only to the mouth, but research shows that other senses can affect how you perceive the flavor of foods as well. This includes not just the sight and smell of food, but how it sounds, too. How Flavor & Sound Are Connected The crunch of…
Do Sounds Seem Muffled After a Concert or Exposure to Loud Noise? It May Be Temporary Threshold Shift
We’re all familiar with that feeling of fullness in the ears, muffled hearing and ringing sounds (tinnitus) after a night out at the Georgia Theatre. Did you know that this phenomenon is known as temporary threshold shift (TTS)? We review everything you need to know about TTS below. What Causes Temporary Threshold Shift? In order…
The Truth About OTC Tinnitus “Cures”
Tinnitus is a bothersome ringing, roaring, whistling, hissing, humming or buzzing sound in the ears with no external source. Symptoms vary from person to person and can range from a mild nuisance to a debilitating experience. While most people with tinnitus wish for a magic pill they can pick up from Athens Pharmacy that can…
Hidden Hearing Loss: What It Is & What You Can Do About It
Do you frequently misunderstand what people are saying or feel as though you can’t hear well in background noise like during a dinner party at Last Resort Grill? Have you gotten a hearing test but the results indicated your hearing is normal? If so, you may be experiencing a condition known as hidden hearing loss….
Hearing Amplifiers Vs. Hearing Aids
If you’ve been recently diagnosed with hearing loss, you may be overwhelmed by the treatment options available. While your audiologist likely recommended a set of hearing aids, you may have heard from a friend that hearing amplifiers work just as well. Below we review the differences between hearing amplifiers and hearing aids and discuss which…
New to Hearing Aids? Everything You Need to Know
If you’re new to hearing aids, you probably have a lot of questions about them. Below we review some of the most frequently asked questions new hearing aid users ask us. How Do Hearing Aids Work? Hearing aids are electronic devices that help you hear by amplifying sounds in your environment to a level your…
Sudden Hearing Loss Can Be Scary, But There Are Treatment Options
Sudden hearing loss refers to a loss of hearing that happens for no warning and for no apparent reason within a period of 24 hours or less. Approximately half of people who develop sudden hearing loss regain some or all of their hearing spontaneously within a week or two; however, delaying treatment leads to a…
Can Hearing Aids Help with Tinnitus?
Do you ever experience a ringing, roaring, whistling, hissing, humming or buzzing sound that has no external source, especially in quiet environments like Athens-Clarke County Public Library? If so, you’re not alone – an estimated 50 million Americans experience this condition known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a disease in and of…