How Does Hearing Loss Impact Language Development in Young Children?
Hearing is critical for children when it comes to developing their speech and language skills. If a child has hearing loss, it can negatively impact this development and make it difficult to keep up with their peers in school. Hearing Loss Difficulties in Speech and Vocabulary Children may have mild to moderate hearing loss that…
How Can Inner Ear Damage Affect Hearing?
There are many possible causes of hearing loss, one of which is damage to the inner ear. Below we review how we hear, how the inner ear can be damaged and what treatments are available for this type of hearing loss. How We Hear Soundwaves from your environment are captured by the outer ear and…
What Type of Hearing Protection Will Work Best for Me?
Attending rock concerts or cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs at Sanford Stadium are fun activities that many people enjoy. However, they may also increase your risk of hearing loss. Thankfully, using the right hearing protection allows you to continue participating in activities you enjoy while protecting your ears at the same time. How Noise Can…
Three Causes of Temporary Hearing Loss in Children
If you’re a parent, you’ve probably felt like your child wasn’t listening to you on more than one occasion. However, if they have started to complain that noises sound funny or seem like they struggle to hear you call their name at World of Wonder Park, they may be experiencing temporary hearing loss. Let’s look…
What Are the Benefits of Newborn Hearing Testing?
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, approximately two to three of every 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss in one or both ears. Left untreated, this can have major impacts for speech and language development. We review more benefits of newborn and infant hearing testing below. Who Should Be…
What Smoke Alarms Work Best for People with Hearing Loss?
According to the National Fire Protection Association, the risk of dying in reported home structure fires is 55% lower in homes with working smoke alarms than in homes with no smoke alarms or none that work. For many, the blaring sound a smoke alarm makes is all they need to get themselves to safety. But…
Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss Early
Did you know that hearing loss is a progressive condition? This means it develops slowly over time, and many people are unaware they have it until it advances beyond a stage that can be treated easily. Research shows that only 20% of people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them, and those who…
Tips for Camping with Hearing Loss
Camping at Pine Lake RV Campground is great for your physical and mental health. In fact, one study found that spending time outdoors is linked to increased cognition and better mood. But if you have hearing loss, there are some extra steps you need to take in order to prepare for a camping trip. We…
Hearing Loss & Listening Fatigue
Do you ever feel exhausted after conversing with friends at a dinner party at South Kitchen + Bar? This is a common feeling, especially for people with hearing loss, and is referred to by audiologists as listening fatigue. What Is Listening Fatigue? Inside the inner ears are tiny hair cells known as stereocilia. The stereocilia’s…
Stress Awareness Month: How Stress Affects Hearing
April is Stress Awareness Month. That means there’s no better time to start managing your stress levels, which can be elevated if you experience hearing loss. Below we review how hearing loss and elevated stress are connected and how you can better manage your stress. The Connection Between Hearing Loss & Stress There are several…