As the Weather Starts Getting Colder, Here’s How You Can Protect Your Ears
Think of the things that can damage your ears. You probably thought of loud noises and cotton swabs, but did you think of cold weather? Yes, cold, damp weather can, in fact, negatively affect the health of your ears. We review how you can protect them this fall and winter below. Wear Earmuffs Your outer…
Earwax 101
Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a naturally-occurring substance found in the outer ear that is made up of oil, sweat, dead skin cells and dirt. While this may not sound pleasant, earwax plays an essential role in the ear’s health. We review everything you need to know about earwax below. What Does Earwax Do?…
How Can Inner Ear Damage Affect Hearing?
There are many possible causes of hearing loss, one of which is damage to the inner ear. Below we review how we hear, how the inner ear can be damaged and what treatments are available for this type of hearing loss. How We Hear Soundwaves from your environment are captured by the outer ear and…
Tips for Traveling with Tinnitus
If you live with tinnitus, you know that traveling can cause your symptoms to become especially bothersome. Fortunately, there are ways to manage your tinnitus whether you’re hitting the road or traveling by air. We review some strategies below. Minimize Jet Lag Jet lag can cause you to feel sleepy and fatigued, have trouble concentrating,…
Do Sounds Seem Muffled After a Concert or Exposure to Loud Noise? It May Be Temporary Threshold Shift
We’re all familiar with that feeling of fullness in the ears, muffled hearing and ringing sounds (tinnitus) after a night out at the Georgia Theatre. Did you know that this phenomenon is known as temporary threshold shift (TTS)? We review everything you need to know about TTS below. What Causes Temporary Threshold Shift? In order…
Why Are You Dizzy?
There are many body parts that work together to keep you balanced, including your eyes, inner ears, nerves in the feet and spine, and the brain. This means if you’re experiencing dizziness or balance problems, there are many possible areas that may be contributing. It’s important to treat chronic dizziness right away to prevent injury…
How Are Stretched Earlobes Repaired?
Types and styles of body modifications go in and out of style. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in earlobe stretching. And with that increase, plastic surgeons have seen a rise in earlobe reconstructive surgery to reverse the modification. What Is Earlobe Stretching? The process of stretching your earlobe is fairly simple….
Why Does Your Ear Hurt?
While earaches are most common in children, adults are susceptible to ear pain too. Fortunately, not all cases of ear pain indicate something dangerous, like an infection. Identifying the cause of your ear pain is the first step in finding relief. Below are some of the most common causes of discomfort in the ear. Impacted…
Can Surgery Fix Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is a common condition, experienced by more than 48 million people in the U.S. It is the third most common physical condition, behind only arthritis and heart disease. With these numbers, it is no surprise that there are a wide variety of treatment options available. While most cases can be treated with the…
Feeling Off-Balance? When to Seek Treatment.
We all experience occasional bouts of dizziness. Just scrolling through the news these days is enough to make you feel faint! A dizzy spell once in a while isn’t a cause for alarm, but persistent episodes should be evaluated by an Athens ear, nose and throat specialist. It’s possible your dizziness could be a sign…