Feeling Off-Balance? When to Seek Treatment.
We all experience occasional bouts of dizziness. Just scrolling through the news these days is enough to make you feel faint! A dizzy spell once in a while isn’t a cause for alarm, but persistent episodes should be evaluated by an Athens ear, nose and throat specialist. It’s possible your dizziness could be a sign…
How Allergies Affect Your Hearing
About one out of every five people in Georgia experiences allergies. In addition to the usual barrage of cold-like symptoms that includes itchy, watery eyes; runny nose; sneezing; nasal congestion; cough; sore throat and post-nasal drip, allergy sufferers are also at risk of experiencing temporary hearing loss. What Causes Allergies? Allergies occur when your immune system…
Marcus Bullock Elected To AOA Leadership
Marcus Bullock, Practice Administrator for ENT of Athens, has been selected as the Georgia State Representative for the Association of Otolayrngology Administrators. He will represent Georgia Otolaryngology practices on healthcare issues affecting those practices and promote membership for the AOA. The AOA is a specialty specific organization dedicated to improving Otolaryngology practice management for its…
Dr. Sheffield Receives Prestigious Award
The Georgia Society of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery has awarded Dr. Philip A. Sheffield it’s prestigious Lester Brown Award in 2017 for outstanding contribution to Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery in Georgia. Dr. Sheffield founded ENT of Athens over 40 years ago and still practices to this day. Congratulations to Dr. Sheffield…
Food Bank Volunteer Effort
Members of ENT of Athens spent a cold Friday morning bringing warmth to those in need by volunteering their services at the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia. The volunteer effort worked to bag 70 bags of groceries for senior-citizens and sorted 2,364 pounds of groceries for in-need families.
Nursing Seminar – Human Papilloma Virus
Elizabeth Katz, MD presented an updated discussion on the effects of human papilloma virus (HPV) and its relationship to head and neck cancer. Dr. Katz discussed the effects that the virus has on tongue and tonsil tissue and the increase in cancer identified in patients infected by the virus. Dr. Katz reviewed that virus related…
Sleep Health 2015
Drs. Mixson and Norris presented at Sleep Health 2015 hosted by Athens Sleep and Wellness Center at the UGA Continuing Education Conference Center. The program was well attended and Drs. Mixson and Norris presented an in-depth discussion of the surgical management of obstructive sleep apnea. Topics discussed included Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy (DISE), creation of…
Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Byron Norris, MD presented an update on chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) at the Athens Regional Medical Center (ARMC) Friday Noon Conference. Dr. Norris discussed the diagnosis of CRS and acute sinusitis and the surgical and medical management of CRS. Dr. Norris reviewed the updated clinical practice guidelines for adults with CRS and discussed the options for…
Surgical Management Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
ENT of Athens recently hosted a collaborative seminar on comprehensive management of obstructive sleep apnea. The physicians of ENT of Athens reviewed their experience with or drug induced sleep endoscopy, DISE, as a guideline for surgical management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The seminar was well attended with a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment…